Ask a Cartographer: Who Names Streets?
Author: Tom Vitacco
Date: Jun 4th 2024

Ask a Cartographer: Who Names Streets?

Lost in longitude or confused by contour lines? Want to know all the tips and tricks for getting the most out of your atlas? Curious if paper towns still exist? "Ask a Cartographer" is your opportunity to get the facts straight from the source. Tom Vitacco, Rand McNally Publishing’s Director of GIS and Steve Wiertz, Sr. GIS Analyst, are here to answer your burning questions, and geek out over f

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Ask a Cartographer: Has Rand McNally Ever Added Fake Towns to Maps?
Author: Tom Vitacco
Date: May 28th 2024

Ask a Cartographer: Has Rand McNally Ever Added Fake Towns to Maps?

Lost in longitude or confused by contour lines? Want to know all the tips and tricks for getting the most out of your atlas? Curious if paper towns still exist? "Ask the Cartographer" is your opportunity to get the facts straight from the source. Tom Vitacco, Rand McNally’s Director of GIS is here to answer your burning questions, and geek out over fascinating map lore – one exploration at a time.

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