How long does it take for my order to ship once it is placed?

Most in-stock items ship within 1-2 business days. Some items require a longer processing time and will be noted on the product page.

Please note that orders with more than one item may arrive in multiple shipments.

How can I track my order?

Tracking numbers are sent via email once an order has shipped. You can also view tracking information by logging in to your account.

Can I add something to an order I just placed?

Unfortunately, we are unable to modify an existing order once it has been placed. If you’d like to order additional items, please place a new order.

How do I place a tax-exempt order?

You can place your order online, and then send us your tax exempt certificate via email to: orders@randmcnally.com or fax it to us at: 877-469-1298. Be sure to include your order number with the certificate

Does Rand McNally ship internationally?

We currently ship to addresses in the United States and Canada only.

Why was my order cancelled?

For the protection of our customers, we cancel any orders that are identified as suspicious by our fraud team.

We do not charge customers for cancelled orders. You may see a pending transaction that indicates an authorization hold has been placed on the funds associated with the order, however these holds are usually reversed within 1-3 business days.

An order may also be cancelled because inconsistent information was provided during the checkout process. If you believe your order was cancelled due to such an error, please review the details of your transaction. Please note that once cancelled, an order cannot be reinstated. If you would like to proceed with your purchase, a new order must be placed.

What is estimated sales tax?

Taxes that appear at checkout and in your online order confirmation are estimated. The actual taxes charged to your credit card will be calculated based on the applicable state and local sales taxes when your order is shipped.

Why am I seeing multiple charges on my credit card?

Upon placing an order, your card is authorized for an amount that includes estimated tax and shipping. Once your order ships, any state and local taxes will be calculated and reflected in the final charge. Please note that your card will not be charged until your order ships.

Pending authorizations may have also been created because incorrect credit card information was provided. The pending authorizations are not charges and should drop off your account in within a few days.