The Strangest Laws from State to State

The Strangest Laws from State to State

If you’re planning to take a trip across the country, beware of the laws that differ from state to state. Some of these laws (somehow) are still in place from hundreds of years ago, while others are slightly modernized—but strange nonetheless. Here are the weirdest laws in each state*:


If you can successfully drive your vehicle while blindfolded, then good for you! There is a law on the books that prohibits this in Alabama, however. Also, you better double check to make sure your car has windshield wipers—it’s illegal to drive without them here.


We’re not sure what prompted this one, but tying dogs to the roof of your car is not legal in Anchorage.


Arizonians are required by law to protect themselves with only the same weapon the attacker possesses. So, if you’re suddenly being attacked with a lamp, you better hope there’s another lamp within reach to protect yourself with!


Don’t honk your horn after 9:00p.m. at a sandwich shop or cold beverage stand in Little Rock, Arkansas, no matter how hungry and angry you are. Also, be careful about flirting with the opposite sex on the streets of this town—it could result in 30 days of jail time.


If your trip includes a drive through California, be sure to leave your housecoat at home, as it’s unlawful for women to drive in them. If you’re not sure what a housecoat is, you’re not alone. While most people have differing opinions of what constitutes as a housecoat, typically housecoats differ from robes in that they button down rather than tie, and are made of a different material.


As you drive through Boulder, Colorado, you won’t see any couches sitting on front porches—it’s prohibited here. Rocking chairs only!



Acrobats beware: In Harford, Connecticut, there are many ways to cross the street, but on your hands cannot be one of them. If you’re an on-your-hands-street-crosser, I would avoid Hartford entirely.


Whatever you do, do not stop along a highway in Delaware to have a picnic. Wait until you reach another highway in another state—unless you want to get arrested.


The next time you’re in Florida and you see an elephant tied to a meter that is not paid, you should notify an official immediately. It’s forbidden to leave your elephant at an unpaid parking meter.  


Speeding is off limits everywhere in the U.S.—except in Georgia while the State Assembly is in session. And the only residents allowed to speed at this time are the members of the State Assembly.


If you can’t abide by their “click it or ticket” law because you have more passengers than seatbelts, anyone over the age of 12 can ride in the bed of the trunk without any protection whatsoever.


While driving through Pocatello, Idaho, be sure to have a smile on your face at all times because it’s against the law to be seen in public without one.


Be sure you don’t have anything hanging from your rearview mirror while driving through Illinois. Yes, even air fresheners are prohibited.


Meanwhile, at neighboring Indiana, you are not allowed to back into a parking spot.


If you want to throw bricks onto the highway in Mount Vernon, Iowa, you’ll unfortunately have to go through the hassle of obtaining a permission slip from the City Council before doing so.


Before entering Lawrence, Kansas, be sure to alert the horses of your arrival by sounding your horn. (And you might just wake up some sleeping college students.)


Ladies, do not stop in Owensboro, Kentucky to buy a hat. It’s illegal to purchase a hat here without your husband’s permission to do so.


Pouring a drink on the ground at the drive-in movie theater in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana will get you into some serious trouble, so we’d advise using a trash can.



If you’re driving through the state of Maine after January 14th and you see houses with Christmas decorations, alert an official at once. Residents are charged a fine for leaving their Christmas decorations up past this date.


Watch your mouth while you’re in Maryland—Baltimore prohibits swearing inside city limits, while in Rockville, cursing is only banned on the highway.


Under no circumstances may you drive with a gorilla in the backseat of your car in this state. If you find yourself in this situation, please return that primate to the zoo or nearest jungle.


You might think traveling by train is a great way to enjoy a few drinks and avoid driving. Well, not if you’re in Michigan—if you’re not sober on a train, you’re breaking the law.



Be careful in Minneapolis if you drive a red car. It’s illegal to drive a red car down Lake Street in this town.


The town of Tylertown, Mississippi inconveniences its residents by forbidding them to shave in the center of Main Street. If you find yourself in this town, we suggest finding another street to do your shaving in.


You can drink beer almost anywhere you want in Missouri—even as a passenger in a moving vehicle! But don’t even think about drinking beer out of a bucket while sitting on a curb in St. Louis—it’s strictly verboten.


Leaving your sheep unattended in your truck is considered very baaa-d to the officials of Montana. If for any reason you need to leave your sheep in your truck, you better hire a sheep-sitter.


In the Midwestern state of Nebraska, it is absolutely illegal to fish for whales. We’re not quite sure where there’s an abundance of whales in land-locked Nebraska, but it’s best you don’t even try to look for them.



While visiting Nevada, please do not ride your camel on the highway, even if you feel like the surrounding desert makes it okay—it’s forbidden.


New Hampshire

Be impassive if making a pit stop in New Hampshire—it’s illegal to tap, nod, or move to the rhythm of music in any way inside a tavern, restaurant, or café.

New Jersey

When overtaking another passerby on the street—including a skateboarder—drivers are required by law to honk before doing so. However, it is against the law to pass a horse-drawn buggy at all. If you get caught by a police officer, make sure you don’t frown at him because that’s illegal, too.

New Mexico

In Las Cruces, New Mexico, you’re considered a criminal if you carry your lunch box while walking down Main Street. Better find a different route.


New York

Hate awkward elevator chit-chat? Head to New York where residents are required by law to keep to themselves while riding an elevator. Your hands must be crossed and your gaze towards the floor. Don’t talk to anyone, even if they talk to you—they’re breaking the law, but you don’t have to.

North Carolina

Singing in the car is a great way to pass the time on a road trip, but if you’re driving through North Carolina, you better not let a cop catch you singing off key! Singing off tune is grounds for punishment in this state.   


North Dakota

If you find yourself wanting to take a nap in North Dakota, be sure to take your shoes off beforehand. Falling asleep with your shoes on is outlawed.


Ladies, hide those patent leather shoes whenever you find yourself in Ohio—women are prohibited from wearing them in this state.


Comic book fans, we have some bad news for you. In the state of Oklahoma, it is against the law to read a comic book while operating a motor vehicle. Please find something else to read while driving.


If you ever find yourself in the town of Marion, beware of the law that prohibits you from eating a donut while walking backwards on any city street. Officials would prefer you finish your donut in its entirety before proceeding to walk backwards down the street.


While driving down a country road at night, motorists in Pennsylvania are required to stop every mile and shoot a rocket signal, wait ten minutes for the road to clear of livestock then continue. Looks like that 10- minute commute will take you much, much longer.

Rhode Island

If one of your favorite pastimes includes throwing pickle juice on trolleys, you’ll have to find another state to exercise your hobby. It’s against the law to do so in Rhode Island.

South Carolina

Anyone who gets a tattoo in the state of South Carolina is technically breaking the law.

South Dakota

While visiting South Dakota and you find yourself in a cheese factory, do not lie down and fall asleep. Find another place to take a nap, because doing so in a cheese factory is outlawed.



It is illegal to carry a skunk into the state of Tennessee. If you plan on bringing your pet skunk anytime soon, it’ll have to roam freely over state borders.


While everything may be bigger in Texas, the number of beer swigs you take at one time cannot be bigger than three. Unless, of course, you’re sitting down.


Over in Provo, Utah, snowball fights can get pretty pricey. This town has a $50 snowball-throwing fine in place.



Saturday nights in Barre, Vermont are for bathing. Residents are required by law to bathe every Saturday, so make sure you abide by Barre’s laws if you plan to visit.


All of the ticklish women should head to the state of Virginia. Here, it is considered against the law to tickle women. However, ticklish men are free game.


The state of Washington is adamant about protecting their friends, Big Foot and Sasquatch. Anyone who even attempts to harass these two, and any unsubstantiated creatures for that matter, will be penalized with a fine or imprisonment.

West Virginia

If whistling underwater is your secret talent, avoid West Virginia—whistling underwater is banned here.



There are plenty of activities to keep you busy in Wisconsin, but waving a burning torch in the air cannot be one of them. This action is considered a Class A Misdemeanor in the Badger is state, punishable by a one year maximum jail term!


In the state of Wyoming, rabbits love their privacy. So much, in fact, that it is against the law to take their picture during the months of January to April, unless you obtain an official permit.

**The information in this blog post came from The purpose of this article is for the entertainment of our readers, and Rand McNally does not guarantee accuracy for the information listed above. 

Author: Rand Publishing Team
Aug 1st 2017